Mia's Notes:

This is a great documentary for empathy building for the disabled community. Especially moving was the clip at the end (~1 hr 34 min) climbing the stairs to congress.

But there were a few other things that stuck out to me.

  1. “Remember you’re talking to her, not about her.”
  2. Disability & Sexuality - individuals are not perceived as someone of interest, as female or male… they’re viewed as asexual because they’re a disabled person first
  3. We think overcoming a disability is mainly an individual's (or a family’s) responsibility. This mindset limits society because when the environment is changed to be inclusive, so many “obstacles” are magically overcome. This world is not yet for everyone, and we often DAILY remind and blame individuals for that when in reality, if people who build this environment took the time to make it for everyone, then we would be so much better off. (Scene with the sound room ramp)

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