<aside> 🔍 On this page: Beginner-friendly resources and FAQs. For more learning materials, check out the Resources and UX Dictionary (updated regularly).


Welcome to the UX Notion!

There’s a plethora of knowledge out there for free, and it’s hard to know where to get started. This UX Notion can hopefully act as a way to curate and highlight relevant material.

UX Go-To's

<aside> đź“š Check out more recommendations in the Resources page!


UX Beginner Books

  1. Learn about UX and human-centered design on a conceptual level to set your foundation

    The Design of Everyday Things

  2. Learn UX principles and how to evaluate design

    Don't Make Me Think - All about usability in plain language and simple terms

    100 Things every designer needs to know about people - Psychology and human behavior & what it means for design

  3. Learn how to talk to users and test ideas quickly

    The Mom Test - Learn how to ask meaningful questions and get real feedback

Reputable UX Resources

Home | Laws of UX

Structured UX Learning

One of the most frustrating things about learning UX is the lack of structure - it’s literally bad UX how you have to learn UX.

<aside> 📌 I’m developing a more structured learning resource through my YouTube Page: Hey Mia (so subscribe if you’re interested in that). It will lean more towards UX research since 1. that’s my specialty and 2. there’s lots of UX design content out there. Stay tuned for more on this! Youtube Channel
