Busy Housewife / Solo dweller / Specific eater (vegetarian, diet,…).

Interview question + conclusion (Qualitative Research)


Primary user:

Name: Hanh Nguyen

Age: 40

Occupation: A health-conscious housewife who strictly chooses ingredients for each meal in the family.

Personality: Caring, money-saving, disciplined, healthy.

Bio: Hanh is not just a housewife, she is also a nutritious expert in her family because she often cares about the quality of each ingredient and how to combine them to boost nutrition as much as possible. She likes to select fresh ingredients with season choices to vary the menu for her family.

She loves to prepare meals for the family. Moreover, she sometimes goes to local farmers for organic vegetables and supports food rescue. However, sometimes, she does not have time to go to the supermarket or trust grocery store. Therefore, she needs a trusted grocery app to choose meal components on her behalf.
