Associate Lecturer — Digital Media, School of Communication & Design (RMIT SGS)

Giang Nguyen is a designer & educator based in Saigon, Vietnam. He specializes in branding, graphic design, digital design, type design & generative design. Rarely spotted in the wild, his natural habitat is either at a pocket-sized design firm called Behalf, or a classroom of RMIT University, where he teaches digital media.

Visit his teaching portal: Giang Nguyen’s Portal


Email: [email protected]

Mobile: +84 988 661 655

Website: |


My Résumé:

Giang Nguyen

Teaching Areas:

Graphic Design, Branding & Identity, Typography, Type Design, Packaging Design, Publication Design, UX/UI, Web Programming, Creative Coding, Data Visualization, Design Methodologies, Art Direction, Design Management, Professional Practice, etc.

Research Interests:

Vernacular Typography, Cultural Heritage & Historic Preservation, Social Design, Sustainable Design, Human Computer Interaction, Immersive Data, Creative Coding, etc.