Welcome to the teaching portal of Giang Nguyen


Giang Nguyen

Giang Nguyen is a designer & educator based in Saigon, Vietnam. He specializes in branding, graphic design, digital design, type design & generative design. Rarely spotted in the wild, his natural habitat is either at a pocket-sized design firm called Behalf, or a classroom of RMIT University, where he teaches digital media.

Student Works

Selected student works from various classes

By Courses

Class Exhibitions



Public databases of coordinated and delivered courses

Type & Design — at RMIT SGS (Showcase: 2023A)

UX/UI — at RMIT SGS (Showcase: 2023C | 2022C)

Interactive 1 — at RMIT SGS

Teaching Areas

Graphic Design, Branding & Identity, Typography, Type Design, Packaging Design, Publication Design, UX/UI, Web Programming, Creative Coding, Data Visualization, Design Methodologies, Art Direction, Design Management, Professional Practice, etc.

Courses Delivered


Below is a selection of students’ Major Projects that Giang supervised over the years.


Research Activities

Collection of Giang’s research activities in various academic formats. He has presented his research and professional projects at both local and international conferences.

Research Interests

Vernacular Typography, Cultural Heritage & Historic Preservation, Social Design, Sustainable Design, Human Computer Interaction, Immersive Data, Creative Coding, etc.

Exhibition & Residencies

Writing & Publications

Talk & Conferences

Guest Lectures