Welcome to the User Experience (UX) Notion. Here, you’ll find a bunch of curated resources for all things UX.

<aside> 📌 Announcements: Community informs what is developed here so follow me on [TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/@heymiadotco?) and YouTube! Fill out the Typeform to let me know what you'd like to see 😊


<aside> ⏯️ Learn UXR methods through my YouTube channel! Any mock materials will all be documented in Notion: Youtube Channel


Start Here!


UX Dictionary

Youtube Channel

What's New



Special Topics

<aside> 👉

Click here for accessibility posters used in my TikToks!


User Experience

UX Research

UX Design



Tech Addiction

Tech Ethics

UX in the Tech Industry


What do you want to see from UX Notion?

<aside> ❓ Sometimes the Typeform embed doesn't work in app or mobile. Open up this link in your internet browser if it's not loading for you 😬 (... there's also a monthly limit, so if it's closed, it will open up again next month)



That's it y'all! 🎉

Hopefully more to come soon. Thanks for stopping by! 🙂